程序只有100多K,比较新奇的就是它格式化时利用Windows系统中的Diskcopy.dll来获得DOS启动文件io.sys, msdos.sys等等。
Small utility that will format and make DOS bootable your USB Flash Stick.BootFlashDOS is a small, simple and easy-to-use tool that will format and make DOS bootable your USB Flash Stick.
It will copy the necessary DOS files (command.com, io.sys, msdos.sys) from diskcopy.dll. Diskcopy.dll is supplied with you windows (XP/2003) operating system.
BootFlashDOS is a small utilty for making your USB Flash Stick bootable to a DOS environment. You dont need to create a bootable floppy disk to begin with, unlike most utilities or this sort. |