
标题: 【ZT】Ghost新版:Ghost DOS注册版 [打印本页]

作者: lianjiang    时间: 2008-2-3 14:23
标题: 【ZT】Ghost新版:Ghost DOS注册版
【ZT】Ghost新版:Ghost DOS注册版
GHOST软件是General Hardware Oriented Software Transfer的缩写,可译为“面向通用型硬件系统传送器”,通常称为“克隆幽灵”。Ghost(幽灵)软件是美国赛门铁克公司推出的一款出色的硬盘备份还原工具,可以实现FAT16、FAT32、NTFS、OS2等多种硬盘分区格式的分区及硬盘的备份还原。俗称克隆软件。现在已经被非常多的人使用。虽然这个软件在国内十分流行,但是据说这个软件使用的全部都是盗版:)
下载地址(网盘下载请用迅雷或者快车): Ghost 11.2 DOS注册版
作者: zlgs    时间: 2008-2-3 19:00
作者: logan0279    时间: 2008-2-3 20:29
作者: haiou327    时间: 2008-2-3 21:22
作者: 小咕咚    时间: 2008-2-3 23:53
Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2.0.2                  README.TXT

Copyright ?2007 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.
Symantec, the Symantec logo, Symantec Ghost, Ghost Walker,
Ghost Explorer, GDisk, GhostCast, and OmniFS are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates
in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks
of their respective owners.
The Licensed Software and Documentation are deemed to be
"commercial computer software" and "commercial computer
software documentation" as defined in FAR Sections
12.212 and DFARS Section 227.7202.

                                                  December 2007
Symantec Ghost 11.0.2 Release Notes

This file covers contents of the installation CD,
licensing, late-breaking news, and references other
related information. The following topics are discussed:

  1. Installation Note
  2. New Features
  3. Defect fixes and enhancements
  4. Known issues
  5. Technical support details
  6. Reporting problems to Technical Support

1. Installation Note
The standalone Symantec User Migration Wizard is not supported
by LiveUpdate. After updating Ghost Console, apply the
installation package located in [Program Files]
\Ghost\SUMWizardInstall to each client installation

  2. New Features
The following new features have been added:

The ability to create local user account objects when you
restore User Migration packages.

The ability to enable the Shortcut Resolution Check
feature. This prevents the restoration of shortcuts that
point to network resources, and other shortcuts that cannot
be automatically resolved during the restore process.

Creating local user account objects
You can now create local user account objects when you restore
User Migration packages.

All local account objects are created with the "User must
change password at next logon" attribute enabled. Optionally
accounts can be created with the "Account is disabled"
attribute set. When migration is complete, an administrator
may enable each account (as required) locally, or remotely
using the MMC computer management snap in.

To set or change these settings, edit the following
registry entry:

HKLM\Software\Symantec\Symantec User Migration

The following key creates local user account objects:

- LocalAccountPassword

  If this key is not present, no local user account objects
  will be created when you restore User Migration Packages.

  This key is of type String.

  The key Value is the initial password for all local user
  accounts that are created. Each user will be prompted to
  change their password when they log on for the first time.
  If the Value is not specified, an empty password is

The initial password must comply with local security policy
and password complexity rules. If the value specified for the
password does not comply with local security policy, the
account object will not be created.

Windows security policy for local accounts is displayed in
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security
Settings > Account Policies > Password Policy.

For example, setting the LocalAccountPassword value to
My_Password99 passes the default password policy complexity
checks for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista domains.

The following key sets the "Account is disabled" attribute
for local user account objects that are created by the
LocalAccountPassword key:

- CreateLocalAccountDisabled

  This key is of type DWord.

  The key Value must be any non-zero value to set the
  "Account is disabled" attribute. The accounts must be
  enabled by an administrator before the users can log in.

  To turn off this key so that the "Account is disabled"
  attribute is not set, change the Value to 0.

Preservation of shortcuts
All shortcuts are now restored automatically. This includes
shortcuts for which the target cannot be found on the local
computer. Network shortcuts are currently included in the
unresolved shortcuts category.

To change this setting, edit the appropriate registry entry:

HKLM\Software\Symantec\Symantec User Migration

The following key controls the restoration of unresolved

- RestoreUnresolvedShortcuts

  This key is of type DWord.

  The value must be any non-zero value to restore
  unresolved shortcuts.

  To skip unresolved shortcuts set the value to 0.

3. Defect fixes and enhancements
The following defect fixes and enhancements have been made:

- Fixed support for RIS in Ghost Boot Wizard

- Fixed support for two bootable Vista installations on a
  single disk

- Some Ghost clients were not shown in the Console due to
  duplicate IDs in some models of computer (as supplied by
  the manufacturer). Ghost now handles this situation
  correctly and every client is displayed in the Console.

- Fixed aiobuf sync() position error on client machines.

- Fixed bug that caused "Cannot find DHCP server" error when
  using network boot disks created with Ghost Boot Wizard.

- Fixed bug that caused files added to the second partition
  of an image using Ghost Explorer to display in the first
  partition. All files are now displayed correctly.

- Fixed bug that caused Ghost client to crash (with a general
  protection fault) when rebooting into DOS.

- Exclusions now work correctly in Console User Migration.

- When using the DOS version ghregedt.exe, the command-line
  switch "addvalue" now works correctly.

- Outlook email is now correctly migrated when PST or PAB
  files are included in the migration templates
  (for example, stored in the My Documents folder).

4. Known Issues

Ghost Walker (GhWalk32.exe)
Create a Windows Vista WinPE USB drive and then copy
GhWalk32.exe to the USB drive. When you press Enter after
Ghost Walker asks you to "Continue and Update", Ghost Walker
exits without any warning.

To avoid this issue, run Ghost Walker using the following
command line syntax:


This specifies that all other volumes are not to be included
as additional volumes.

Installing a client
If you install the Ghost Console on Windows 2000 Professional
or Server on a FAT32 partition then a remote client install
returns an error message that the install has failed, even
if the install was successful.

A workaround for this error is to install the Ghost Console
on an NTFS platform or to check the client install in the Ghost

Disk order

When a computer is installed with Microsoft Vista, the disks
might not be ordered as they are in the BIOS.
The Ghost Implementation Guide details how to determine disk

Symantec Ghost Console

Ghost Console Service account credentials

If you install the Ghost Console on a computer with a
computer name that has more than 15 characters then you cannot
add the service account when you add a supported domain. The
following message is displayed:
The specified username is invalid.
Error code: 2147944602
Operation failed

The work around for this error is to edit the Console service
account user name and password and ensure that they are
15 characters or less.

Entering arguments for a command in a Execute Command task

If you enter arguments for a command in a Execute Command task
between single quote then you cannot save the task.
The workaround for this problem is to save the arguments
between double quotes.

Symantec Ghost Console and mixed domain
If you have installed the Symantec Ghost Console on a
Windows 2000 SP 4 computer that is a member of a Windows
2000 mixed domain, then the Console does not add client
computers to Windows 2003 native domains.

Console client connected to multiple networks
Deploy AI package and Transfer Files tasks on a Windows 98
computer do not complete if the Console client is connected
to multiple networks.

Runtime Error
If there is not enough available space to create a user
migration package then the Console client fails with the
following error:
Runtime Error
Program <Ghost directory> ngctw32.exe
R 6025 - pure virtual function call

The workaround for this problem is to ensure that there is
enough space available to create the migration package.
The package is always stored locally, and then transferred
to the Console.

Windows 98SE Console client failed to restart

If a Console client computer running Windows 98SE fails to
reboot into the virtual partition then a possible workaround
is to increase the virtual partition size.

Image create task error

You are executing an image create task and you get the
following error:
Connection reset by server with GhostCode 19945

This error may be caused by lack of space to create the image
file. Ensure that you have enough disk space in which to create
the image file.

Incremental backup of Symantec AntiVirus 10.0.2

An incremental backup of a computer installed with Symantec
AntiVirus 10.0.2 fails to restore Symantec AntiVirus
The backup is successful, but on the client the following error is
Symantec AntiVirus Auto-Protect failed to load.

The workaround for this problem is to repair the installation
of Symantec AntiVirus after restoring the backup.

int86_16.dll file

The Symantec Ghost Implementation Guides states that you can
find int86_16.dll in the Symantec Ghost Solution Suite
folder. This is incorrect. To obtain this file, you must install
the Console client on a Windows 9x computer. You can then find
this file on the client computer.

VMWare computer

A VMWare client with a fixed MAC address with the prefix suggested
by VMWare (00-50-56-xx-yy-zz) does not appear in the Console.
Fixed MAC addresses in VMWare are not supported.

Client computer with two network cards

A Console task fails in the following situation:

The client is installed on a client computer with a network
card. You unplug the network card and plug in a second network
card. After executing a Configuration Refresh, the last known
machine configuration displays the correct network card.
However, on the Properties dialog box, the Network Settings
when using Virtual Partition field shows the original card.
A Console task will fail as it looks for the incorrect card.
On the client computer, you can see the following message:
Client polling for server
This indicates that the client can't connect to the server.
This scenario occurs only when the network cards use different

Workaround: Remove the client computer from the Console and
let the Console redetect the client computer. Alternatively,
you could use the UNDI driver.

A task run from DOS fails in the following situation:

If you have two network cards in a client computer that use
the same driver then the client might not be able to connect
to the server.
On the client computer, you can see the following message:
Client polling for bound server

Workaround: Halt the task and use Ghreboot to restart the computer
back into Windows. Use the UNDI driver to run the task.

A Console task fails in the following situation:

A client computer has one connected card without a NIC driver,
and one disconnected card. The remote install of the Console
client selects the disconnected card as the recommended network card.
When a Console task is run it cannot connect to the client.

Workaround: Manually assign the correct NIC driver in the Ghost
Console client properties dialog box or use the UNDI driver.


Using Sysprep in an image create task
An image create task using Sysprep fails in the following setup:
You run a Sysprep task and it fails.  If you run a Sysprep
task again on the same computer, then the task fails because
the Sysprep files cannot be copied over the existing Sysprep
files that are read-only.

Casual tasks and Sysprep
If you change the unattend files of a casual task then the
unattend files of the template task from which the task was
created is also updated with the new files.

Joining a Vista computer to a domain after a clone and
using Sysprep
An error occurs with the following operation:
You clone a Vista computer after using Sysprep and then
apply configuration changes including joining the computer to
a domain. The following error displays on the client computer:
Windows can't complete the installation  

The workaround for this problem is to join the computer to
a domain using a different task after the clone task.

Running a configuration refresh task
If you run an image restore task that includes a configuration
refresh step and the image that has been prepared with Sysprep,
then the client IP address and subnet mask are reported
incorrectly as
Do not include a refresh step in a task if the image in the
restore has been prepared with Sysprep.

The workaround for this problem is to run the refresh step in a
separate task after the restore image task.

Restoring a Vista image that has been prepared with Sysprep
If you restore a Vista image file and apply static IP in a
configuration template after the task has been executed then
the WINS server address is not applied to the Vista client

Client inventory


Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP x64 do not install
Therefore, Symantec Ghost cannot collect the Application Product
information using the Inventory feature of the Symantec Ghost
Console on the following computers:
* Computers that are installed with Windows Server 2003
* Computers that are installed with Windows XP x64

NT client computers
On NT computers, the client inventory is not fully collected.

The workaround for this error is to restart the client service
in one of the following ways:
* On the Console client restart the client service
* From the Ghost Console transfer to and execute on the client
  computer a batch file with the following commands:
   net stop "symantec ghost client agent"
   net start "symantec ghost client agent"
Once you have restarted the client service you can run an
inventory refresh task to collect the full inventory.

Preserved files on Vista computers

Sometimes Windows Explorer in Vista does not show the correct name
for folders that were preserved and renamed from a Vista
partition after a clone task. This problem occurs if the
renamed folder contains a copy of desktop.ini.

Workaround: Find and delete the hidden file named desktop.ini
inside the affected folders. Windows Explorer should then
correctly display the folder name.

Ghost32 error 29005

If you restore an image to a disk configured as a dynamic disk
with a single simple volume on it on a Vista RTM Ultimate
computer then Ghost32 fails with the following error:
write sector failure 29005

Workaround: In Disk Manager, convert the disk to an mbr disk
and then restore the image.



On Vista operating systems, in AI Builder, drag-and-drop
operations between windows with different privileges are

VMWare computers

Using a Mapped Network Boot Package made with PC-DOS and the
UNDI driver can cause the following error:
Network drive no longer exists reading drive <drive>

The work-around for this problem is to use MS-DOS under VMWare,
or use a custom network driver.

Ghost disk layout switch
By default, Symantec Ghost informs the operating system about
the disk layout after a clone operation. However, this might
cause the crc files created by Symantec Ghost to return a false
result, i.e. that the disks are not identical when they are
For example, after an image-to-disk restore, a crc32 verify
operation might return an inaccurate crc result because WinPE
could change the destination file systems on the drive.

In a disk-to-disk copy operation under WinPE, the source disk
remains mounted by Windows. Therefore a CRC create on the source
disk and then a verify on the destination disk may return an
inaccurate crc result because WinPE could change the source drive.
The -noOsLayout switch will prevent Ghost from updating the
operating system with the destination disk changes. However
the source is still mounted by Windows and therefore the
CRC value may change due to system file changes by Windows.

If the source image and destination disk have similar
partition layouts, then to ensure the crc checks do not give
false negatives, it is also advisable to use GDisk32 to
delete all existing partitions on the destination disk.
This prevents the operating system from mounting a file system
driver once the clone is complete. This can happen on
similarly partitioned disks even when you use the
-noOsLayout switch.

Peer-to-peer Ghost operation with preserve switch

Error Number: 672
Message: Ghost could not locate or lock the volume containing preserved

This error is displayed when using Ghost in peer-to-peer TCP mode with
the -preserve switch.

Symantec Ghost does not support the preserve file feature in a peer-
to-peer operation.

User Migration Wizard
You can use XML Options to control user profile selection for
the standalone user migration wizard.

To use these options, add values to an exported user migration
template SCMMigrationOptions.xml just before the </Tables> tag.

You can use the following as an example:

<migrationOptions type="load" version="1.0">

Be sure you remove any tag pairs for unused options and
specify the required values.

Values for <profileType> include the following:

Values for <profileName> (used with MatchName only) include
the following:
2K3N\* - all users of the 2K3N domain
2K3N\Sue_User - the 2K3N domain user Sue_User
Joe_User - the local user Joe_User
*Joe_User - Local and domain users called Joe_User
2K3N\Sue_User, 2K3N\Joe_User - both Sue and Joe from 2K3N

Values for <lastAccessed> (number of days) include the

After you add the required options, open the XML file using
Internet Explorer and check that the options you have specified
are viewable.

Restoring Files
Any files that are not associated with a user and cannot be
restored to a specified destination are restored to
\Desktop\Recovered Migration Files\ for one of the following:
* The logged-in user if the user is in the package
* The first user in the package

Naming a package
The Symantec Ghost documentation incorrectly states that a user
package is named with the format scmpkg#. A user package is
named with the computer name and a date-time stamp. The same
format for the package is displayed in the Ghost Console.

Migrating Word 2003 to Word 2007
Settings stored in Normal.dot for Microsoft Word 2003
cannot be migrated to Microsoft Word 2007. This is due to
file format changes.
Therefore many settings cannot be migrated from Word 2003
to Word 2007.

LocalDrive on Windows 98SE
On Windows 98SE, the files from local drives cannot be captured in a
migration package using the system variable $LocalDrive$.

The workaround for this problem is to use individual drivers
For example, c:\*.txt and d:\*.txt.

Linux support
The Symantec Ghost Implementation Guide lists Ubuntu as a
supported Linux version. This information is incorrect.
Symantec Ghost does not support Ubuntu.

Formatting a partition in GDisk or GDisk32

If you create a partition and formatting it as NTFS in GDisk or
GDisk32, the format is quick regardless of whether or not the
/q switch is used.

Changing the Symantec Ghost database account and password

The Symantec Ghost Implementation Guide details how to change
the Symantec Ghost database account and password using a script.
However, the script in the Guide is not accurate. Following is
the correct script:

' This script allows the user to get and also reset the Ghost Console's
' database account and password by using the scripting API to the Ghost
' Configuration Server service.
' It can be used three ways:

' - with no arguments, it retrieves the current user account name and
'   password used by the Ghost Console to access the configuration database.
' - with one argument, it sets the password for the user account used by
'   the Ghost Console to access the configuration database
' - with two arguments, the first being the string "dba", it will allow
'   a password to be set for the built-in DBA user account that some
'   existing users may have code that depends on. In Ghost Solution Suite
'   1.1 and above, this user account is disabled at installation time for
'   additional security; running this script allows it to be re-enabled.

<job id="PasswordUtility">
<script language="VBScript">
  ' Access the Configuration Server service's root COM scripting object

  set server = CreateObject("ConfigServer.Application")

  ' Get the database configuration object from the configuration server

  set dbInfo = server.ConfigDatabase

  ' Obtain the current database username and password
  user = dbInfo.Username
  pass = dbinfo.Password

  set args = WScript.Arguments

  if args.Count = 0 then
    WScript.Echo "User: " & user
    WScript.Echo "Password: " & pass
  elseif args.Count = 1 then
    pass = args.item(0)
    call dbInfo.SetCredentials (user, pass)
    WScript.Echo "User: " & user
    WScript.Echo "Password set to: " & pass
  elseif args.count = 2 and args.item(0) = "dba" then
    pass = args.item(1)
    call dbInfo.SetCredentials ("dba", pass)
    WScript.Echo "DBA Password set to: " & pass
  end if


You can not install the trialware version of Ghost over any
other version of Ghost, or install any version of Ghost over
the trialware version. In all cases uninstall the currently
installed product first.
If you have created an image file using the trialware version
of Symantec Ghost of a computer that includes Ghost.exe, the
trialware version of Ghost.exe is included in the image.  
Because the trialware version of Ghost.exe expires after 30 days
you must uninstall the trialware version and then install
the licensed version of Ghost.exe.

If you have created an image of a computer with the trialware client
installed, you must first uninstall the trialware client before
installing the licensed version of Symantec Ghost client.  
This is because in some situations the trialware Ghost.exe remains
on the client computer.

Symantec DeployCenter
For all Symantec DeployCenter issues please see the
DeployCenter readme, which is included in Symantec Ghost
Solution Suite.

  5. Technical support details
Symantec corporation maintains a comprehensive Technical
Support Web site for Ghost at:


You can also contact our Technical Support department by phone.
See the Ghost manual for the telephone numbers and an
explanation of your phone support options.  The telephone
numbers can also be found online.  

At the above Web site, enter your Ghost version, and proceed
through the windows to find options such as Customer Contact,
Customer Service, or Technician.

Currently available online options include:

Ghost Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The online version of the FAQ includes the top issues for
your version of Ghost, and is updated as the issues change.  

Ghost Knowledge Base
Search or browse through a collection of articles that can
answer your technical questions and help troubleshoot problems.

The Ghost Ask Symantec Discussion Forum
This Ghost discussion group is hosted by experienced Ghost
technicians who answer your questions, refer you to the
appropriate knowledge base documents, and help you solve Ghost

File Downloads
The File Downloads site has free Ghost files such as the latest
version of the Ghost User Guide, and any additional utilities
for Ghost.

  6. Reporting problems to Technical Support
  When contacting technical support, make sure you have included
  the following information:

  - Your name and contact details.
  - The Ghost Abort error log file if available. The Ghost
    Abort error log file is generated in the current folder and
    is named Ghosterr.txt. If this location is read-only, the
    -afile=filename command line switch can be used to alter
    the abort files output location.
  - The version number of the Ghost application and associated
    Ghost Utility in use.
  - The Abort text displayed.
  - The Abort Error Number displayed.
  - Whether or not you can reproduce the problem.
  - A description of the problem.
  - A description of what operation is being performed.

作者: skwordy    时间: 2008-2-4 09:50
作者: zhaohj    时间: 2008-2-4 14:55
Ghost DOS注册版,其中Ghostexp.exe、Ghost32.exe是WINDOWS版本
作者: barton    时间: 2008-2-4 15:01

作者: StoneYU    时间: 2008-2-5 00:25
不知道增加了哪些功能 ?
作者: xyzjhe    时间: 2008-2-5 09:53
标题: 真是谢谢啊!收藏了!
作者: wyq9299    时间: 2008-2-5 13:54
作者: hphphp    时间: 2008-2-5 17:20
作者: aguest    时间: 2008-2-6 13:34
作者: hot100    时间: 2008-2-6 13:36
作者: lhteee    时间: 2008-2-7 11:51
作者: bclz    时间: 2008-2-7 20:25
GHOHST经典版本 8.2
作者: dato    时间: 2008-2-10 09:08

至于2G的问题,我想ghost的help里有提到就不必谈论了,至于8。3备份不可见问题,也搞不清楚。在一些主板启动慢或者不启动的问题,偶觉得更多是confiy.sys配备问题而不是ghost的问题,然后就直接更新到11.0.1版本,偶曾经在一机器上用这个版本反复ghost一个xp就是启动黑,ghost 2k却可以正常进系统,闷了,最后将这个盘彻底重新格式化,再ghost xp这下倒好竟然可以进系统了。


昨天一直在测试NDIS2下ghost的性能,发现在vpc下加载了emm386 noems ghost在实模式下的恢复速度优于不加载emm386
作者: dato    时间: 2008-2-10 09:36
URL Redirect:https://forums.symantec.com/syme ... oard.id=109&amp;thread.id=10546

Major fixes in GSS 2.0.2 (build

    • Ghost can now take images of Linux partitions larger than 1.1 TB in size.

    • Communication problems with the Ghost tray application have been resolved. These would occasionally cause “Out of order completion”, “AIO Sync”, or “AIO Backbrake” on the Ghost client system.

    • Resolved an issue which could cause GhostWalker to occasionally hang on some systems.

    • Resolved an issue which could cause the Ghost client service to be removed after the next reboot following a client upgrade in some cases.

    • Migration templates exported from the Ghost Console now use UTF-8 character encoding correctly, and can be exported to non-ASCII paths.

    • When creating or restoring a user migration package with a password using the command line mode of the Symantec Client Migration Wizard, the password is no longer forced to lower case.

    • Resolved a program exception which occurred when F2 was pressed while viewing the command line initiated Symantec User Migration Wizard window.

    • Resolved a program exception when attempting to restore a user migration package which does not exist.

    • The SCMMigrationReportLog contained in encrypted packages is now readable (although the package password is required).

    • Double clicking from the center mouse button will no longer kill the Ghost tray icon.

    • Resolved a problem where a Ghost console installed to a non-ASCII path would sometimes display MAC addresses rather than machine names for client mahcines.

    • If corrupted files are detected within a User Migration Package, the rest of the package may now be restored successfully.

    • The Symantec User Migration Wizard now respected profile filter options specified in the MigrationOptions.xml when running in command line mode.

    • Resolved a Ghost Console crash which could occur if a new client machine was added from DOS by using a Ghost Boot Partition of a PXE boot.

    • Ghost, GDisk, OmniFS and GhostExplorer now support type 0x27 partitions (some hidden NTFS partitions are of this type).

    • Resolved a program failure which could occur if the task scenario was viewed in the Ghost Console when the task in question involved cloning with a client local image.

    • Non-existent folder may now be created on the Ghost client when specified in a file transfer task.

    • For User Migration operations, the registry key to control the restoration of unresolved shortcts is now respected (as documented in the readme).

    • Resolved a problem with user migration template file exclusions, where exclusions based on file size within the $MyDocuments$ path may not have functioned correctly.

    • The ghost tray application will no longer present an error during client upgrade on Windows 98 or ME.

    • Ghost clients running in the Ghost Boot Partition will now be upgraded correctly to later versions.

    • The filesystem of type 0x12 diagnostic partitions is now verified, rather than relying on the system ID.

    • Resolved a Ghost32 general exception (error 36000) which could occur when doing check disk operation straight after a restore in WinPE 2.0.

    • Resolved a Ghost32 bad magic error 10024 which could occur when using edited and compiled images containing 2 or more partitions.

    • Machine configuration properties in the Ghost Console, such as the machine description, can now use UTF-8 strings.

作者: enginex    时间: 2008-2-14 09:44
作者: linbao2006    时间: 2008-2-14 15:02
作者: 有去有来    时间: 2008-2-14 21:47
作者: erchangtu    时间: 2008-2-15 07:59
作者: wyfsh    时间: 2008-2-24 23:48
作者: 老修    时间: 2008-2-25 18:25
作者: WittyHare    时间: 2008-2-26 08:23
作者: m68    时间: 2008-2-26 12:55
作者: tomson2000    时间: 2008-2-27 15:36


[ 本帖最后由 tomson2000 于 2008-2-27 03:37 PM 编辑 ]
作者: ktww    时间: 2008-2-27 15:47
作者: haiou327    时间: 2008-2-27 18:56
原帖由 WittyHare 于 2008-2-26 08:23 AM 发表

ghost14  FOR WIN版的,
GHOST11.02 FOR DOS版,两码事的说!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!郁闷.
作者: haiou327    时间: 2008-2-29 22:01
作者: dododoma    时间: 2008-3-2 12:07
作者: dato    时间: 2008-3-3 18:34

感觉这个版本没有普及的意义,在实机测试时相对ghost 11.0.1那个精简版本速度相差太大了,不管单机还是20台左右的发射,11。0。1基本稳定在1G左右,而这个11.0.2版本不管单机还是20台到后面尽然会降到只有850M左右的速度

100M网络,am2的主板 sata 160G
作者: rtyu11    时间: 2008-3-3 21:48
下载了 谢谢了 它非常好用。
作者: hzy990727    时间: 2008-3-5 13:22
作者: dato    时间: 2008-3-6 14:49
集成nvidia mcp61主板,100M交换机


至于NDIS驱动的nvidia mcp61上次试了下18台进行网络ghost到最后竟然降到300M/min根本不可想像,单机速度还是比较快的。
作者: sxszjt    时间: 2008-3-6 21:03
作者: hxldn    时间: 2008-3-15 12:45
有注册版这一说吗~!  GHOST 11 不是免费版本吗!~~
作者: lianjiang    时间: 2008-3-15 13:06
原帖由 hxldn 于 2008-3-15 12:45 PM 发表
有注册版这一说吗~!  GHOST 11 不是免费版本吗!~~

同问:难道windows xp,vista不是免费版本的吗? 因为中国人用的都是免费的。呵呵。
作者: lianjiang    时间: 2008-3-15 13:06
作者: cxyun    时间: 2008-3-15 14:02
作者: tszc2003    时间: 2008-3-16 14:52
原帖由 skwordy 于 2008-2-4 09:50 AM 发表

作者: lianjiang    时间: 2008-3-16 17:30
原帖由 tszc2003 于 2008-3-16 02:52 PM 发表


作者: snow-in-may    时间: 2008-3-19 15:19
作者: lianjiang    时间: 2008-3-19 20:27
原帖由 snow-in-may 于 2008-3-19 03:19 PM 发表

作者: sxp0328    时间: 2008-3-19 22:04
作者: twtihss    时间: 2008-3-24 09:58
作者: luckysheep    时间: 2008-3-28 15:05
作者: happy2    时间: 2008-3-30 13:35
作者: Samblwoo    时间: 2008-4-3 09:40
作者: lccz2008    时间: 2008-4-8 09:00
作者: wooolf    时间: 2008-4-8 10:19
作者: gulch    时间: 2008-10-13 16:29
作者: lianjiang    时间: 2008-10-13 16:34
原帖由 gulch 于 2008-10-13 16:29 发表

作者: gulch    时间: 2008-10-13 16:37
标题: 回复 #53 lianjiang 的帖子
作者: lianjiang    时间: 2008-10-13 16:42
作者: gulch    时间: 2008-10-13 16:49
标题: 回复 #55 lianjiang 的帖子

MD5: 4eaeb76328e1e82c1a6d05a519364d6b
SHA1: d31dbc9cb17b579dba057feda726b3361939f1a1
CRC32: 2ad62783
作者: shiyb    时间: 2008-10-14 12:24
标题: 回复 #55 lianjiang 的帖子
作者: GSWWJM    时间: 2010-12-27 10:46
作者: 2010aogsir    时间: 2010-12-31 11:20
标题: 回复 #1 lianjiang 的帖子
作者: 2010aogsir    时间: 2010-12-31 11:21
标题: 回复 #1 lianjiang 的帖子
作者: 2010qian    时间: 2010-12-31 13:55
标题: 回复 #4 haiou327 的帖子

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