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[求助] 180 天试用许可证奇怪问题, 总是提示"许可证已过期", 30 分钟重启

发表于 2013-7-2 16:43:41 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我申请了 Windows Embedded 8 Standard 试用, 得到了 Key,

Toolkit and evaluation keys

To fully license the Windows Embedded 8 Standard tools, enter the toolkit product key when prompted during startup:

This product key will activate the tools in perpetuity.

Once you have your keys, you can use both throughout your organization; however, the keys should not be shared with 3rd parties.

180 day evaluation key

To boot evaluation images created with the tools, you will need to install the evaluation key in the image:

Once you have your key, you can use it throughout your organization; however, it should not be shared with 3rd parties.

Once you have your keys, you can use both throughout your organization; however, the keys should not be shared with 3rd parties.

我使用 上面的Key 6NP3G-PYG4W-X288X-YHXVP-6JDFY, 在 ICE 建了一个 配置文件, 奇怪的是,定制、安装、启动后,在 WES 中 总是 说 "许可证已经过期",
我又用了 hhy 大侠 在论坛上提供的 Windows Embedded 8 Standard Evaluation Keys:TGQKN-QCGY7-6K4C9-2DDJB-G28WM
用了 其中的的 Key, 定制、安装、启动后,在 WES 中 还是 说 "许可证已经过期",
有陆续换了 其他人 在 网上 提供的 180 day evaluation key, 同样的问题,不知什么原因,恳请大家帮忙解决,万分感谢

 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-3 11:14:39 | 显示全部楼层

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