
楼主 |
发表于 2011-1-28 15:51:39
您提供的wee63.bin功能完全正常,三个内置菜单均可使用。但是,我估计是精简了部分命令(根据下载下来的wee-2011-01-14.zip文件中readme,即You may single-step trace the boot-up script by quickly pressing the Insert key at startup, and you will get the opportunity of step-by-step confirmation on each command in the boot-up script,我们可以逐步修改内置菜单条),能否在启动wee后,再按什么快捷键,象进入grub4dos后按“c”进入命令模式一样,这样可以弥补错过修改内置菜单条机会。另外,如何再编译进一些菜单(使用说明中有4. Bootup script: Before you write wee63.mbr to Master Boot Track, you might want to change the boot-up script at the end of wee63.mbr. The boot-up script is just like what is called preset-menu in grub4dos. The default script contains only one command of "echo weeeeeeee:)". Note that echo is not a builtin command. The boot-up script can be increased as you need it, but the whole wee63.mbr
should not exceed 63 sectors.)。对不起,研究不多,菜鸟一个。谢谢 |