本帖最后由 pseudo 于 2017-4-2 17:18 编辑 can you get into native shell without BSOD, seeing "You are now in Native shell..." ? maybe all "i386" must be changed to "wxpe" in the config files of system32.wim, and it must be mounted to wxpe. |
本帖最后由 maanu 于 2017-4-5 00:49 编辑 pseudo 发表于 2017-4-4 20:14 OH that's awesome . what files you had to change to appear it ? thank you for taking time , i spent all evening to translate your pecmd.ini and other chinese cmd ini files . edit : do you know why My computer icon is not appearing ? i also themed with TangoPe style , using old pebeautify script. |
@maanu Desktop appears ![]() url: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSf29GI password: 5c4g |
hello , here is my modified 0PE iso image , with english system32.wim http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dFpDVQL if anyone can diagnose the issue. i ll be thankful . |
红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 19:01 again failed , wait, i am uploading 0pe test package with my system32.wim . may be you or Pseudo can test and fix. |
maanu 发表于 2017-4-2 18:52
test this one. |
红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 18:49 yes , i tried with your pecmd.ini too , but it again failed. |
红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 18:27 it failed . still hang at same point. |
pseudo 发表于 2017-4-2 18:02 i caught 3 instances of I386 in system32.wim>config>Software and changed to wxpe . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\sss\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup, Installation Sources, X:\WXPE\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS X:\WXPE\SYSTEM32 X:\WXPE\INF X:\WXPE\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS X:\WXPE\SYSTEM32 X:\WXPE\INF but still it hangs after finishing native screen. |
maanu 发表于 2017-4-2 18:04
you can test pecmd.ini. |
本帖最后由 pseudo 于 2017-4-2 18:17 编辑 maybe i386 has been hardcoded in some registration files of the config folder , it must be changed to wxpe. |
本帖最后由 红毛樱木 于 2017-4-2 17:52 编辑 maanu 发表于 2017-4-2 01:49 I have download your pe, and run it in vmware,it works well. I think the problem starts with pecmd.ini |
pseudo 发表于 2017-4-2 17:13 yes i can get to the " You are now in Native shell " what files need to changed from i386 to wxpe ? please note , i am already using your SETUPREG.HI_ . can you please download above english PE to see what is the issue . ? it ll be big help. Best Regards Maanu |
红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 01:59 yes , my original pe has i386/system32 relation . |
红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 01:51 it is PECMD.EXE MAIN %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\PECMD.INI in my english pe |
本帖最后由 maanu 于 2017-4-2 01:52 编辑 红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 01:34 here is my pe http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVofFD1 i am using NVPE.WIM as SYSTEM32.WIM with 0PE |
红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 00:58 i am running fbwf via RUN1.CMD (in PECMD.INI) RUN1.CMD consist of hiderun /w FBWFCache.cmd 4 64 50 % hiderun.exe /w cmd.exe /c md \"%USERPROFILE%\\Local Settings\\Temp\ hiderun.exe /w cmd.exe /C hiderun.exe /w packuser.exe -o%SystemDrive% -y fbwfcache.cmd @echo off %1=MinSize %2=Reserv %3=Size %4=Unit :: MinSize - The minimum size cache :: Reserv - It is reserved under system :: The rigid size if "%4"=="MB" ( set "Size=%3" goto _1 ) :: Calculation of the size for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in (`RamStatus.exe`) do set size=%%i set /a size=%size%/1024 set /a "size=(%size%-%2)*%3/100" if %size% lss %1 set size=%1 :_1 if 128 lss %size% set size=128 set /a "cachethreshold=(%size%+50)*1024*1024" reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" /v PagedPoolSize /t REG_DWORD /d %cachethreshold% /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FBWF" /v WinPECacheThreshold /t REG_DWORD /d %size% /f hiderun /w net start fbwf i ll upload my system32.wim . |
本帖最后由 红毛樱木 于 2017-4-2 01:00 编辑 Try "LOAD FBWF" in native.ini or in pecmd.ini I can't see anything about fbwf |
you should upload your pe. |
红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 00:44 please see above post .i forgot to add attachment. |
maanu 发表于 2017-4-2 00:41 I see. Here HKLM\SYSTEM\SETUP\CmdLine |
maanu 发表于 2017-4-2 00:41 英文不还好。我直接说中文了。 一级内核中有native.exe,注册表中指向native.exe加载的配置文件,把native.exe加载的配置文件贴上来看一下。 |
本帖最后由 maanu 于 2017-4-2 00:45 编辑 红毛樱木 发表于 2017-4-2 00:32 hello , here is native files , that 0PE loads . whereas my native.ini reads as @echo off scd \SRNP\nvpe.wim if exist nvpe.wim mount nvpe.wim x:\i386 if exist x:\i386\system32\PECMD.EXE exit |
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