@echo off
if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto start
command /e:4096 /c call bcdwdemo.bat
goto end
::goto text_menu
goto graphics_menu
bcdw SetTextVideoMode
echo Boot from hard disk...
bcdw Boot C:\
goto ixx_go_err
bcdw SetTextVideoMode
echo Power Off...
bcdw PowerOff
goto ixx_go_err
echo Error. Code: %BCDW_LastError%
if not "%BCDW_LastError%" == "0x559F" goto ixx_finish
bcdw CheckForBCDW
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "0"; then goto ixx_finish
echo DOS loaded by BCDW2 (bcdw2dos.ima) is needed...
echo Press any key to return...
pause > nul
goto start
:: 80x50 text mode
:: bcdw SetTextVideoMode font.f08
:: if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "0" goto t_mode_ok
:: 80x25 text mode
bcdw SetTextVideoMode
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "0" goto t_mode_ok
echo Fatal error 1.
echo Press any key to exit...
pause > nul
goto quit
bcdw Dialog textmode.ini
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "1" goto i01_go
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "2" goto i02_go
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "3" goto i03_go
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "4" goto i04_go
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "5" goto i05_go
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "6" goto i06_go
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "7" goto i07_go
if "%BCDW_ExitCode%" == "8" goto i08_go
goto quit