command 指定一个PrimoCache操作命令(见下面的命令列表)。
option... 命令需要的一个或多个参数。
ls 列出当前所有的逻辑卷、缓存任务和二级存储卷
new 新建一个缓存任务
del 停止并删除缓存任务
pause 暂停缓存功能
resume 恢复缓存功能
dwpause 暂停延时写入功能并刷入所有缓写数据
dwresume 恢复延时写入功能
dwflush 刷入当前所有缓写数据到磁盘
clear 清空缓存内容
join 新增逻辑卷到一个已创建的缓存任务
leave 从缓存任务中移除逻辑卷并停止逻辑卷的缓存功能
edit 修改缓存任务的缓存配置
status 查看缓存任务的缓存状态
perf 查看或重置缓存任务的性能统计数据
export 导出缓存任务的缓存配置到文件
import 查看缓存配置文件中的配置信息
storage 创建和管理二级存储
im 管理未识别内存
mem 查看当前系统内存信息
lic 查看软件授权状态或激活软件
ver 查看版本信息
C:\Program Files\PrimoCache>rxpcc ? new
PrimoCache New Command
Creates a new cache task.
rxpcc new -v <volume>[,<volume>...] [-t <cfgfile>]
[-m <size>] [-i <size>] [-k <options>]
[-l <storage>[,<size> [-e <speed>] [-j <options>]]
[-b <blocksize>] [-g <strategy>] [-w <latency> [-a <options>]]
[-p[=<options>]] [-s]
-v, -volume <volume> - Specifies one or more volumes to be cached by
this new cache task. At most 16 volumes can be
<volume> states the index of a volume. Volume
indexes are separated by ",".
Example: -v 2,3,5
-t, -import <cfgfile> - Imports the cache configuration from the file
<cfgfile>. <cfgfile> specifies the full file
path and name of the configuration file.
Note: When this option is specified, all cache
options written before it in the command will
be ignored. However you can modify the imported
configuration by appending options after it.
-m, -mm <size> - Specifies the size of OS Managed Memory (MM)
for level-1 cache, in megabytes (MB).
-i, -im <size> - Specifies the size of OS Invisible Memory (IM)
for level-1 cache, in megabytes (MB).
-k, -c1adv <options> - Specifies the advanced level-1 cache options.
<options> states one or more of the following
options, in a comma-separated format:
freehiber - Release L1 Cache on Hybrid-
Sleep or Hibernation
keepoff - Keep L1 Cache (MM) on Fast
Note: The option "keepoff" is valid only when
the option "freehiber" is not specified and
requires Windows 8 or later.
Example: -k freehiber
-l, -l2 <storage>[,<size>] - Specifies the level-2 storage and cache size
for level-2 cache.
<storage> specifies the identifier of a level-2
<size> specifies the level-2 cache size, in
megabytes (MB). <size> is optional, and if not
specified all available level-2 storage space
will be claimed for level-2 cache.
-e, -wspeed <speed> - Specifies a recurring interval, in seconds, for
gathering cache data into level-2 storage when
Windows is busy. <speed> ranges from 0 to 250.
Valid only when -l option is specified.
If -e option is not specified, or <speed> is 0,
program uses its internal setting.
If you want to gather level-2 cache data only
when system is idle, use "-e IDLE".
-j, -c2adv <options> - Specifies the advanced level-2 cache options.
<options> states one or more of the following
options, in a comma-separated format:
volatile - Cache contents in the level-2
storage are not preserved
when the system is rebooted.
This option is usually for
multi-boot computers where
another operating system may
modify cached volumes.
ignoresync - Cache contents in the level-2
storage are not reset even if
they might be out of sync
with source data.
(WARNING: The option "ignoresync" may make the
program providing outdated or wrong cache data
for read/write requests, and consequently cause
unexpected errors and corrupt target volumes!
DO NOT enable this option in normal scenarios!)
Example: -j volatile
-b, -block <blocksize> - Specifies the block size. <blocksize> can be
one of the following:
4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512.
If -b option is not specified, command will
automatically choose an appropriate block size.
-g, -strategy <strategy> - Specifies the cache strategy. <strategy> can be
one of the following:
RW - Read-data & Write-data
RO - Read-data Only
WO - Write-data Only
If -g option is not stated, RW is the default.
-w, -dw <latency> - Enables Defer-Write. <latency> specifies the
time interval, in seconds, at which cache task
periodically flushs deferred write-data from
cache to disk. If you want to set an infinite
value for latency, use "-w INF".
-a, -dwadv <options> - Specifies the advanced Defer-Write options.
Valid only when -w option is specified.
<options> states one or more of the following
options, in a comma-separated format:
native - Write Mode: NATIVE
intelligent - Write Mode: INTELLIGENT
idle - Write Mode: IDLE-FLUSH
buffer - Write Mode: BUFFER
average - Write Mode: AVERAGE
freewritten - Free Blocks on Written
flushsleep - Flush on Sleep
skipflush - Skip Flush on Shutdown
(WARNING: The option "skipflush" may completely
corrupt the whole disk partition!
DO NOT use this option in normal scenarios!)
Example: -a intelligent,freewritten,flushsleep
-p, -prefetch [=<options>] - Enables Prefetch. [options] states one or more
of the following options, in a comma-separated
boot - Start at Windows Boot
lock - Lock Cache Content
Example 1: -p
Example 2: -p=boot
-s, -silent - Executes this command in silent mode. No
interactive prompts and running information.
Errors or warnings are still displayed.
The following command creates a cache task for volumes #1 and #3, specifying
1024MB RAM, 20480MB level-2 cache, 8KB block size and RW cache strategy:
rxpcc new -v 1,3 -m 1024 -l {13D8F992-8F9C-4000-A5F3-6A6AD2872E81},20480 -b
The following command creates a cache task for volumes #2, specifying 4096MB
RAM, 4KB block size, WO cache strategy and 10 seconds defer-write latency:
rxpcc new -m 4096 -b 4 -g WO -w 10 -v 2
The following command creates a cache task for volumes #2 by importing the
configuration stored in the file "c:\configuration.cfg" and specifying 4096MB
RAM cache which is different from the configuration file:
rxpcc new -v 2 -t "c:\configuration.cfg" -m 4096 |