Mr Plantsoot
i want to ask a question , hope it is OK.
you gave me following code for creating short cut in english PE after loading UD tools ,.
but now i have a problem , i have PETOOLS directory with following
it will be in my UD drive , i mean PETOOLS ,
now is it possible to create the shortcut ONLY for Maanu.exe to the PE DESKTOP ???
i dont want any shortcuts for PETOOLS/tools directory , because as you can see i am using au3 to make Maanu.exe loader .
how i can change the following code to make ONLY the shortcut to Maanu.exe which is in PETOOLS directory .to the desktop.
:: --------- For English PE ----------------
set startmenu=%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\
if exist "%startmenu%" (
echo Searching PETOOLS directory, please wait ... ...
for %%a in (A B C D E F G H I G K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
dir /a %%a:\PETOOLS >nul 2>nul&&(
echo Creating %%a:\PETOOLS directory shortcut, please wait ... ...
for /f "delims=" %%b in ('dir %%a:\PETOOLS /a-d /b /s') do (
mkdir "%startmenu%%%~pb\%%~nb.BAT" & rd "%startmenu%%%~pb\%%~nb.BAT"
echo start %%b >"%startmenu%%%~pb\%%~nb.BAT"
echo Create shortcuts success!
Maanu from Pakistan |