一般用磁盘读写软件修改都是模拟的FDD或ZIP或HDD,就是改变其分区表的形式,常说的 U+ 有 USB-HDD+ 和 USB-ZIP+ 两种,它们实际上是 UltraISO 自带的兼容性更好的用于 USB-HDD/USB-ZIP 形式U盘的 MBR 代码,写 G4D 就要占用掉原来的 U+ MBR,自然 U+ 就无法使用了
The BIOS USB boot support is generally differentiated in three
categories: USB-HDD, USB-FDD and USB-ZIP.
The USB-HDD (Hard Disk Drive) standard is the preferred choice and
it requires the presence of a partition table in the first sector
of the disk.
The USB-FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) standard requires the presence of
a filesystem starting from the first sector of the disk without
a partition table.
The USB-ZIP (ZIP Drive) standard requires the presence of a
device with a very specific geometry. Specifically, it requires
a geometry with 32 sectors and 64 heads. It also requires the presence
of a partition table with only a bootable partition in the fourth entry.
[ 本帖最后由 Pauly 于 2010-1-5 23:09 编辑 ] |