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发表于 2003-10-11 15:09:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Winternals ERD Commander :
Run the CD Creator wizard and create the ISO file.
Extract the full contents of the ISO file in a folder and point the CD Builder v2.0 to it in the "Advanced tools" window.
Current Version: 2002 (v3.0)
WWW: http://www.winternals.com/
EULA : Commerial ($299)
Notes: Can only be inserted in the 911 Rescue CD using the CD Builder v2.0
Winternals Disk Commander :
Create the DOS version boot disk.
Extract the contents of the DIST.ZIP file (in the floppy disk) to the DSKCMDR folder.
Current Version: 1.1
WWW: http://www.winternals.com/
EULA : Commerial
O&O Software Blue Con :
Run the Boot disk wizard and create the ISO file.
Extract the full contents of the ISO file in a folder and point the CD Builder v2.0 to it in the "Advanced tools" window.
Current Version: 4.0 Professional
WWW: http://www.oo-software.com/
EULA : Commerial ($60)
Notes: Can only be inserted in the 911 Rescue CD using the CD Builder v2.0
Windows NT/2000/XP Tools Collection :
Download and extract in the NT-TOOLS folder.
Current Version: 1.0
WWW: http://www.911cd.net/downloads/nt-tools.zip
EULA : Freeware (All the included tools are freeware that include the permission to distribute them freely)
Windows NT/2000/XP Password Reset Tool :
Download the latest iso image file.
Open it with WinImage or ISOBuster.
copy the files vmlinuz - initrd.gz to the NT-TOOLS folder.
Current Version: 120103 (12 Jan 2003)
WWW: http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/bootdisk.html
EULA : GNU Freeware
Tom's rootboot Linux :
Download the 2.88MB Eltorito image.
Extract the image to TOMSRTBT and name it "tomsrtbt.img".
Current Version: 2.81
WWW: http://www.toms.net/rb/
MemTest86 :
Download the latest file available.
Extract the zip file and run install.bat.
Use WinImage to save the disk as floppy image memtest.img and save it in MEMTEST.
Current Version: 3.0
WWW: http://www.memtest86.com
Download the latest version into the NSSI folder and run it.
Remove the original EXE.
Current Version: 0.53
WWW: http://www.navsoft.cz/
EULA : Freeware
Download the zip file and extract into the PCISCAN folder.
Download the latest PCIDEVS.TXT file and overwrite the older PCIDEVS.TXT file.
Current Version: 0.71b
WWW: http://members.hyperlink.net.au/~chart/pci.htm
EULA : Freeware
Volkov Commander :
Download the version 5 of it and extract it to the VC folder.
Run once on writable media to create the VC.INI settings file.
Remove the "Auto Save Setup" option and save VC.INI.
Current Version: 4.99 Alpha
WWW: http://www.egner-online.de/vc/en/index.html
EULA : Free while in alpha/beta stages, Shareware otherwise ($20)
Notes: The 911 Disk Builder contains vc5.cab which is the Volkov Commander 5 packaged in a ModBoot module, so you don't need the Volkov Commander to be on the CD.
DOS Command Center :
Download and extract the zip file.
Extract the DCC.LZH file to the DCC folder.
Run it on a writable media to configure its settings.
Remove the "Auto Save Setup" option and save settings.
Current Version: 5.1
WWW: http://www.winace.com/ftp/dccv51e.zip
EULA : 30 Day Trial ($20)
Ranish Partition Manager :
Download and extract the latest Partition Manager into the RANISH folder.
Rename the part2xx.exe to part.exe if you have downloaded the beta version.
Remove *sim.exe files (have no use in real life).
Current Version: 2.43
WWW: http://www.ranish.com/part/
EULA : Shareware ($10 to $20)
Partition Saver :
Download the latest version.
Extract the ZIP file contents into the SAVEPART folder.
Current Version: 2.5
WWW: http://perso.club-internet.fr/guiboure
Partition Resizer :
Download and extract the Partition Resizer into the PRESIZER folder.
Read the documentation (very important for this utility).
Current Version: 1.34
WWW: http://zeleps.com/
EULA : Freeware
CG Security CmosPwd :
Download and extract the zip file in CMOSPWD (put the files inside the subfolders in the main CMOSPWD).
Current Version: 4.2
WWW: http://www.cgsecurity.org
EULA : Freeware
CG Security TestDisk :
Download and extract the contents of the DOS folder inside the zip file to TESTDISK.
Current Version: 4.3
WWW: http://www.cgsecurity.org
EULA : Freeware
Seagate DiscWizard Starter Edition :
Download and create the bootable disk.
Copy the dmzip.exe to the DISCWIZ folder.
Run it and it will extract the full contents of the program.
Remove the original EXE.
Current Version: 10.30 (2002)
WWW: http://www.seagate.com/support/disc/drivers/discwizardse_download.html
EULA : Exclusive free software for Seagate drives owners
Notes: This is a customized version of OnTrack Disk Manager 2000.
Seagate SeaTools :
Download and create the bootable disk.
Copy the dazip.exe to the SEATOOLS folder.
Run it and it will extract the full contents of the program.
Remove the original EXE.
Current Version: 1.05
WWW: http://download.seagate.com/seatools/registration.nsf/desktop?openform
EULA : Exclusive free software for Seagate drives owners
Notes: This is a customized older version of OnTrack Data Advisor.
IBM/Hitachi DFT (Drive Fitness Tests) :
Download and create the bootable disk or download the Linux version and open the .bin file with WinImage.
Copy the dft\dft-v3x0.exe to the IBMDFT folder.
Run it and it will extract the full contents of the program.
Remove the original EXE.
Current Version: 3.30
WWW: http://www.hgst.com/hdd/support/download.htm
EULA : Exclusive free software for IBM/Hitachi drives owners
Maxtor MaxBlast 3 :
Download and create the bootable disk.
Copy the dmzip.exe to the MAXBLAST folder.
Run it and it will extract the full contents of the program.
Remove the original EXE.
Current Version: 3.10.33
WWW: http://www.maxtor.com/en/support/downloads/maxblast3.htm
EULA : Exclusive free software for Maxtor drives owners
Notes: This is a customized version of OnTrack Disk Manager 2000
Maxtor PowerMAX :
Download and create the bootable disk.
Copy the files powermax.exe and chipset.drv to the POWERMAX folder.
Current Version: 3.04
WWW: http://www.maxtor.com/en/support/downloads/powermax.htm
EULA : Exclusive free software for Maxtor drives owners
Western Digital Data Life Guard :
Download and create the bootable disk.
Copy all the files starting with "dlg*.*" and "splash*.*", and the ezhelp.bin file to the WD_DLG folder.
Current Version: 2.80
WWW: http://support.wdc.com/download/
EULA : Exclusive free software for Western Digital drives owners
Notes: Lisenced from StorageSoft
Fujitsu ATA HDD Diagnostic Tool :
Download and copy fjdt.exe to the FUJITSU folder.
Current Version: 6.01
WWW: http://www.fdg.fujitsu.com/home/drivers.asp?L=en&CID=1
EULA : Exclusive free software for Fujitsu drives owners

Download and copy hutil.exe and hutil.cfg to the SAMSUNG folder.
Current Version: 1.08
WWW: http://www.samsung.com/Products/HardDiskDrive/utilities/hutil.htm
EULA : Exclusive free software for Samsung drives owners

F-PROT Antivirus :
Download and extract the latest version into the F-PROT folder.
Download the Virus definitions and extract into the F-PROT folder overwriting the found files.
Current Version: 3.12
WWW: ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/anti-virus/free/
EULA : Freeware
TrendMicro PCcillin :
Install and create rescue disks, or download the Rescue disks builder.
Copy DOS4GW.EXE, PCSCAN.DAT and PCSCAN.EXE from the first disk.
Copy the file lpt$vpn.XXX from the PCcillin folder to the PCCILLIN folder.
Current Version: 2002
WWW: http://www.antivirus.com/pc-cillin/support/edisks.htm
EULA : Commercial ($49)
McAfee ViruScan :
Download and the latest SuperDAT file available.
Extract it into the MCAFEE folder by typing "SDATxxxx.EXE /E" at the command line (this will extract its contents).
Current Version: 6.00
WWW: http://download.mcafee.com/updates/superDat.asp
EULA : Commercial (it is not free but I couldn't determine a license for it)
Norton AntiVirus :
Use this method on Win9x setup of NAV, not the WinNT/2000/XP one:
Update your virus definitions, by LiveUpdate or by downloading the latest from http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/defs.download.html.
Copy the following files from the "C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus" folder to the NAV folder.
exclude.dat - excludel.dat - navopts.dat - navstart.dat - navdx.exe - navdx.ovl.
Browse to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs" folder and copy the contents of the latest folder to the NAV folder (use the BinHub folder if no other folders are found).
Alt Solution (If you have WinImage):
Browse to "CD:\SUPPORT\EDISK" in the Norton AntiVirus CDROM and extract the disk2.img file to the NAV folder.
Download the latest virus definitions and extract it to the NAV folder (it is a self extracting EXE file).
Current Version: 2002
WWW: http://www.symantec.com/
EULA : Commercial ($40 if alone, $99 if part of Norton SystemWorks 2002 Pro Edition)
Norton Ghost :
Copy the GHOSTPE.EXE (or GHOST.EXE), GHOST.ENV and GHOST.INI to the GHOST folder.
Current Version: 2002
WWW: http://www.symantec.com/
EULA : Commercial ($69 if alone, $99 if part of Norton SystemWorks 2002 Pro Edition)
Norton Utilities for DOS :
Copy the following files from "CD:\NU\" in the Norton Utilities CDROM to the NORTON folder.
Current Version: 2002
WWW: http://www.symantec.com/
EULA : Commercial ($69 if alone, $99 if part of Norton SystemWorks 2002 Pro Edition)
OnTrack Data Advisor :
Install and create the bootable disk.
Copy the file Profile.dat.
Copy the dazip.exe to the ADVISOR folder.
Run it and it will extract the full contents of the program.
Remove the original EXE.
Current Version: 5.0
WWW: http://www.ontrack.com/
EULA : Commercial ($20)
OnTrack Easy Recovery :
Install and create the bootable disk.
Copy the easyrec.exe to the EASYREC folder.
Run it and it will extract the full contents of the program.
Remove the original EXE.
Current Version: 6.0
WWW: http://www.ontrack.com/
EULA : Commercial (Data Recovery version $200, Professional version [includes Data Advisor] $600)
Gibson Research SpinRite:
Copy the SPINRITE.EXE to the SPINRITE folder.
Current Version: 5
WWW: http://grc.com/spinrite.htm
EULA : Commercial ($60)
PowerQuest Partition Magic :
Copy the CD:\ENGLISH\DOS-OS2\DISK2 folder contents to the PQMAGIC folder.
Copy PTEDIT.EXE from the CD:\UTILITY\DOS folder.
Alt Solution:
Run Setup from CD:\ENGLISH\WINDOWS\RESCUEME to create the bootable rescue disks.
Copy the contents of the second disk to PQMAGIC.
Copy PTEDIT.EXE from the CD:\UTILITY\DOS folder.
Current Version: 8.0
WWW: http://www.powerquest.com/
EULA : Commercial ($69)
PowerQuest Volume Manager :
Follow the steps in Partition Magic, but place the files in PQVOLMAN.
Current Version: 2.0
WWW: http://www.powerquest.com/
EULA : Commercial ($595 License per server)
PowerQuest Drive Image :
Follow the steps in Partition Magic, but place the files in PQDI.
Current Version: 2002
WWW: http://www.powerquest.com/
EULA : Commercial ($69)
PowerQuest Deploy Center :
Follow the steps in Partition Magic, but place the files in PQIMGCTR.
Current Version: 5.0
WWW: http://www.powerquest.com/
EULA : Commercial ($237 - 10 Workstation License)
Winternals NTFSDOS Pro :
Download the demo version and install it on a Windows 2000/xp system.
Run the Boot Disk Wizard and specify the target location as the NTFSPRO folder.
Note: For read/write capabilities purchase the full version.
Current Version: 4.00
WWW: http://www.winternals.com/trynow/demo_form.asp?NTFSDOS Professional Edition
EULA : Commercial (read-only version is a demo, read/write version $299)

发表于 2003-10-11 15:41:11 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2003-10-11 17:42:04 | 只看该作者



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